Debt Collection Abuse

Because we all have ups and down in our lives, The Federal Trade Commision (FTC) established a law called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) to help ensure that debt collectors don’t make those times more difficult. The FDCPA requires that debt collectors treat consumers with complete respect and prevent threatening or harassing collection methods.
The FDCPA also establishes a set of guidelines that debit collectors must comply with. Most importantly, debt collectors must provide consumers with all information needed to pay or dispute the debt. If you have experienced the following or feel that you have been embarrassed by creditors, then you may qualify to file a lawsuit:
- A debt collection agency sent four letters within a 30 day validation period. Each letter became more and more demanding.
- A debt collection agency sent letters with inaccurate debt amounts and/or did not reveal the real creditors name.
Debt collector called your employer (at work) and told them about the debt and money you owed.
Debt collector called and threatened to add outrageous interest and costs if consumer did not pay.
A debt collector embarrassed you by calling your neighbors and friends to convince you to pay.
A debt collector said he was an attorney and advised of a lawsuit, when no such lawsuit existed.
Debt collectors are trying to confuse you by sending contradictory notices.
Debt collectors are trying to contact you even after you have resolved your credit issues.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: Protecting Your Rights (FDCPA)
We will fight for you against unfair debt collection practices and violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)!
We can assist you if you have been harassed or abused by debt collectors. Our Los Angeles debt collection lawyers at Goldstein Law, are committed to ending creditor abuse and FDCPA violations by lenders, skip tracers, and other debt collectors. Therefore you can get back to living your life in harmony. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for compensation of $1,000 or more from each corporation that broke the law.
Protect your Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Let us fight for your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and we’ll go above and above to make sure you’re not subjected to harassing phone calls, texts, or other illegal techniques from these organizations. Our debt collection lawyers in Los Angeles have handled over 15,000 consumer rights cases in California, and we will put our knowledge and experience to work for you.
We establish the feasibility of your case during the initial research. We file a lawsuit on your behalf, which will either result in a settlement or a trial. You can rely on us to represent you with persistence and compassion, regardless of the facts of your case.
What can we do to assist you?
You can hire a group of professional debt collection attorneys in Los Angeles for the free cost. We don’t charge you any fees; instead, we are compensated by the firms we suit.
Contact us today for a free consultation about your FDCPA violation and take the first step toward restoring your peace of mind. There’s nothing to lose! To get started, call 323.937.0400 or send us an email. We work with clients in Los Angeles and around the state of California.